The movie, The 100-foot Journey begins this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. Any combination of Oprah, Steven Spielberg and Helen Mirren can only be good. This prompted me to think of journalling prompts for August 2014. Here’s my list, I hope you’ll add some more in the comment section below.

100 ft journeyI was thinking about my own 100-foot journeys. I think that’s about the trip from my front door to the car. See I don’t even know what a 100-foot journey is? What can I see when I move 100 feet to the right, left, back, forward? The next time I move 100-feet, maybe I’ll capture it on my phone so I can journal about it. 100-foot journeys. What might these mini-journeys spur me to journal?

I was thinking that I need to read the book first. I don’t know about you, but reading the book before the movie either is a good idea or a bad one. Each provides such a different experience. I think I will Kindle-up this one so that I can actually journal on what I think of the two medias. And it comes in audio too. What does media format tell me as I journal?

I was thinking about expanding my culinary taste buds. French and Indian cuisines are highlighted in the movie. I remember the first time I went to an Indian restaurant. It was with my Crazy Ladies Boating and Dining Society group. Each member got to choose a new restaurant in town. I chose Indian. Love the Chicken Tandoori, it’s red roasted color and spice mixing with the white rice. Amazing! I even put Indian spices on my Christmas list that year. The kitchen’s never been the same. I think this month I’ll try a new cuisine. Jolly Bob’s Caribbean Restaurant & Bar has been on my list. What might I write about in my journal when my taste buds are tingling!

I was thinking about my daughter-in-laws. The movie talks about familial animosity between in-laws. That’s certainly not the case for me. I have two amazing young women who joined my family because my sons had the good sense to find amazing life partners.  I want to journal about what in-laws bring to a family.

I was thinking about Helen Mirren. Helen was 69 on July 26th. It’s hard for actresses that are of a “certain age” to find parts. Helen has worked hard at capturing parts that not only share an older woman’s story, but do so with grace and charm.  As she approaches her 7th decade, I’m sure she’s hoping that there will still be more roles for her to play, more lines for her to say, more adventures to be had. I think I’ll journal about some of the roles and lines I’d like to say in the next decade.

 I was thinking about Spielberg movies. Besides the great buttered popcorn and soda, movies have always provided me great escapes. I was looking at a list of the top 10 Steven Spielberg movies and realized that he has stirred my imagination, spirit and soul with each of them. I have cried as ET flew over the moon.  I have been in awe of Maui’s waterfalls and chaos theory in Jurassic Park. I have been soul pained by resilience of the human spirit in Schindler’s List. I have clapped at Indiana Jones. Each of these and the other 5 elicit memories of my earlier years. I wonder what reviewing them would be like today. What would I say in my journal about them? 

Journaling, for me, has always been a way to talk to myself. I’m glad I’ve started this month with different ways to do so. I hope you will too. Again, please add your thoughts in the comment section below.

May August 2014 be filled with many 100-foot Daring Adventure Journeys.