A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true (Cinderella’s song)


Remember sleep-overs. Those pre-teen slumber parties when 7-10 giggling girls would gather with popcorn and nail polish. It was a great way to talk with the girls.

Remember Tuperware parties. Those evening sessions when 7-10 women would gather to burp plastic. It was a great way to talk with the girls.

Remember book club parties. Those evening sessions when 7-10 women would gather, some had even read the book. It was a great way to talk with the girls.

Now it’s a “Daring Adventure” Party. Bring 7-10 women together and just talk.

Recipe for the Daring Adventure Party


7-10 women
A desire to talk and be heard


Mix ingredients together

Starting Life’s a Daring Adventure means putting recipes just like this one together. What if women could sit around the table and think of what their dreams were and are and will be. Some of my best times have been sitting with my old Oprah magazines and ripping out pages. I have a box of these. What if others have a pile of old magazines and we gathered together on a Saturday afternoon or evening, and played with glue sticks and created vision boards and talked to one another and reminded each other that what we think does matter in this world of a 140 characters.

I hope you’ll think about hosting a Daring Adventure Party. Please let me know how I can help you do it.

Life’s a Daring Adventure isn’t about climbing Mt. Everest (unless you want to). Life’s a Daring Adventure is greeting each day with WOW, I have another day. Let’s party together.